Hungarian Vizsla For Sale

With Their Breeder, Waiting for You!

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Above you will find the latest Hungarian Vizsla puppies which we have for sale. At times we may only have a few Hungarian Vizsla available so we do hope you check back soon to find and locate your new furry best friend! Should there not be any Hungarian Vizsla puppy listings shown, please complete the form accordingly to register your interest in buying an Hungarian Vizsla.

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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Mr Eddie,Here are some pictures of Hoss (Almos) that we got from yall last December! He is such a good dog! And a very fast learner! He is growing very fast and is now almost 7 months old.He has learned how to fetch sticks and toys. He plays very well with other dogs and is great with children! We love...

Dear All Hope you are all well and had a great weekend. We finally can send you some qt pictures of our little Lilly (Hungarian Vizsla)! She arrived last week Sat and it was all systems go... she is a little busy body but a real joy! She looks like a little bokkie (a little buck for my English friends)....

Hi Eddie,Here are a few pictures of Cooper "Hunor" Isaacson. He is a great dog and a quick learner. Like Eric mentioned earlier, he has been potty trained for several weeks. He has learned to sit by the back door when he wants to go out and to wake us up at night when he has to go also. He...

Hi Monika,Your Molly is soooooo adorable. How difficult it must have been to pick her out when she was only 8 days old and then had to wait 8 weeks. BTW, I love the name, Molly. Best of luck with your baby Molly.Lilly Ann is more beautiful than her pics and our two other dogs have accepted her. She is...

Elizabeth & Jamie Montgomery

Heidelberg, Germany

Leandra Meintjes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Wendy & Eric Isaacson

Frankfurt, Germany

Sandra S. Clark

Danbury, United States

About Hungarian Vizsla Breed

The Hungarian Vizsla is a sleek, muscular, medium-sized hunting dog with a beautiful rusty-gold colored short coat. In Hungarian “Vizsla” means alert and responsive. It is robust but lightly built. In the past few years this breed has become a popular work, show and companion dog.

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