Maxie – miniature - Dachshund perro a la venta

Campeón de línea de sangre

Nota del cachorro

Maxie is the most relaxed and gentle natured pup of this Dachshund litter.

I am pleased to say that this is a special pedigree, with a number of show winners and even a few Champion Dachshunds!

Welcoming a Dachshund into your home is like gaining a quirky, lovable companion. These little adventurers bring boundless energy and curiosity, turning ordinary moments into delightful adventures. Their affection knows no bounds, and their loyalty is as steadfast as their unique shape.

With a Dachshund by your side, each day becomes a treasure trove of charming antics and heartwarming companionship. Embracing the spirited personality of a Dachshund is an enriching experience, filled with love and laughter.

This pup will come with all details of vaccinations and dewormings to date, microchip, and the Euro Puppy Guarantee.
6 meses
Fecha de Nacimiento
Dec 07, 2023

Un compromiso de por vida

Cada uno de nuestros perros viene con nuestra Garantía de Sanidad de por vida. Si su perro llega a tener una enfermedad mortar congénita o genética o alteración en la calidad de vida estará protegido. Incluso cubrimos a su perro contra problemas como luxación de rótulas graves y displasia de cadera y codo severa. Garantizado para toda la vida de su perro! Sin embargo no nos gustaría que se tuvieran que enfrentar con la tragedia de tener que utilizar esta garantía por lo tanto nos aseguramos de ofrecer los mejores cachorros de líneas de sangre genéticamente saludables!

Leer más sobre nuestra garantía

Más cachorros de Dachshund en venta

Lo que otros dicen sobre nosotros...

Dear Steve, He’s been an instant hit with everyone on the compound – especially me! Thank you for everything! Melanie :o))))

Harley is doing very well. He is beautiful, smart, affectionate, and tortures his brother mercilessly.

Hello Gábor! I appreciate everything you and the europuppy team have done for me, you’ve been of great service since day 1! I couldn’t be happier with Brenda; now known as Peanut:) the first day she was quite shy but her personality started peaking through really quick! she’s very energetic and playful and extremely smart for a pup her age!! she also loves my cat! they’re best friends now haha. I’ll attach some photos and videos, enjoy! Thank you, Maryam.

Hi Shane!!! Thank you so so much for the birthday wishes. Brenda, now known as Peanut, is the best companion I could ever ask for! Very loyal, loving, playful, and just makes my day 1000x better!! I’ll attach some photos and videos of my baby, enjoy! And please never hesitate to contact me for more updates! Best, Maryam.

Melanie Scarlett

Manama, Bahrain

Diana Vakser

Manalapan , United States

Maryam Alawadhi

Kuwait, Kuwait

Maryam Alawadhi

Kuwait, Kuwait

Puntos destacados de la raza

Expectativa de Vida
12-15 años
Grado de Aprendizaje
Tamaño de la Camada
3 to 4
Perros: 11 años
Hembras: 11 años
Perros: 8-11 pulgadas
Hembras: 8-11 pulgadas
País de Origen
AKC Hound Dogs
FCI Group IV.: Dachshunds
TKC Hound
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